Reading progress update: I've read 41% of "You."

You - Austin Grossman

This has gotten better since the last time I posted a reading update. I still believe that this book would be way more enjoyable if I was really in to video games or video game designing. Right now I am in the middle of Russell reminiscing about a computer camp that he, Darren, Simon, and Lisa went to during one summer in high school. It is kind of hard to really connect with these characters. I also feel like this book just jumps all over the place and I get a bit confused. I was weirded-out but also a bit fascinated when the characters of the computer game start coming to Russell in real life.


So while this is still a bit confusing it is getting better. This is a book where if I didn't feel like I had to review it I probably would have DNF'd it a while ago.