The Look of Love

"Love is not always logical, but when you see it, you know it. And, Jane, we can see it."
I won this book from a LibraryThing Early Reviewer's giveaway but never received my copy so I went and got a copy because I am such a big fan of Sarah Jio's novels. I am disappointed to say that this is my least favorite Sarah Jio book. At times some of the characters and situations in this book seemed a bit farfetched and it did not read like the Sarah Jio novels that I know and love.
This book mainly follows Jane Williams but also switches point-of-view between many different people in her life. This book really concentrates on the character's love stories. Some of the love stories were just odd (like Jane's brother, Flynn) or could be farfetched (like the events of Katie's towards the end). I don't want to give away spoilers but it just completely boggled me that no one let Katie know what was going on. Quite frankly I had a hard time finding a love story in this book that I found believable or likeable (well except for Mel). These characters weren't the characters that I am used to seeing from a Sarah Jio novel.
I understand the need for growth in a writer's career but this kind of felt like something out of left field. Sarah Jio has always managed to create characters and stories that I love and when I didn't find that in this one I was baffled. I'll give her this though, it may have not been my favorite from her but I still ended up staying up all night to finish it.