Animal Magnetism

Animal Magnetism - Jill Shalvis
And that was the thing with Brady. He was cool and distant. Tough and edgy. Smart as hell and braver than any man she’d ever known. Testosterone and danger oozed from his every pore.

This is going to be a pretty short review of what was a quick and fluffy story that had me smiling the whole time. I loved reading about Brady and Lilah. They were both interesting characters and they had great chemistry. They both have some difficulties in their pasts but I liked that it didn't take over the story. Both Brady and Lilah could be a bit too stubborn at times and I was a bit annoyed by that from time to time. I loved that this book was filled with great secondary characters. I loved Adam and Dell and I really look forward to reading about Dell and Jade (who was another stand out character). 


This seemed like a short read but maybe that is just because I flew right through it. This was just the right amount of fluffy and steamy scenes and it really left me wanting to read more of this series.