The Dressmaker's Dowry

This book follows the same formula of many books that I've enjoyed. We are introduced to a present day woman (Sarah) who has something in her past that still haunts her and she had come across a woman from the past (Hanna) who's story she must figure out. The formula has worked before for me and it definitely worked in this book.
Normally I end up only enjoying one woman's storyline but I really enjoyed reading about both Sarah and Hanna. There were mysteries involving both women and I was dying to figure out what they were. Once I learned about Sarah's past I really understood the decisions she had made about her life. Learning what had happened to Hanna was heartbreaking but I did enjoy where she ended up in the end.
I received this book from a Librarything Early Reviewers giveaway. My review is not affected by that in any way.