The Other Mother

While the book description seemed intriguing I couldn't imagine how much I would enjoy this book. This book follows Daphne Marist who takes her baby Chloe with her to a job in a remote area to escape from her husband. At the beginning you don't really know why she felt the need to escape but the further you read the more everything is revealed.
Daphne before she moved with her daughter had a friend named Laurel. Laurel also happens to have a baby named Chloe. The more Daphne gets to know Laurel the more she realizes just how alike she and Laurel really are.
This book had quite a few twists and turns that I really enjoyed. I really loved that not only do you get to see just what happens with Laurel and Daphne but also get to see previous events that happened at the mental institution that is next door to where Daphne takes a job as an archivist. The ending really showed how certain things were connected and I enjoyed it.
I received this book from a Librarything Early Reviewers giveaway. My review is not affected by that in any way.