She's Leaving Home

This book was originally published last year in the UK under the title "A Song From Dead Lips" and I vaguely remember seeing the UK version of the cover. This book takes place in 1968 and follows Detective Sergeant Cathal Breen as he investigates the death of a teenage girl whose body was found near the famous Abbey Road recording studio. Breen had just acted cowardly during an attempted robbery and is now hoping this investigation will put him back in the good graces of his department. Breen finds himself stuck with Constable Tozer a young and eager policewoman to help out his investigation.
You can definitely see that this book takes place in 1968 just by the way that the male characters talk about and treat females, and by the way some characters are outright racist. The sexism and racism was a part of the culture back then (and some say it still is) and Shaw does a good job of highlighting it in the background of the story.
I loved the relationship between Breen and Tozer. I really liked that in the beginning Breen was really annoyed by Tozer but eventually he grew used to her and even began sticking up for her. I felt like partnering up with Tozer for the investigation really helped Breen move past his difficulties and opened him up a bit. The two of them together made this book shine. While I was reading this I thought that following them would be a great series and then I found out that this was actually going to be a trilogy. You can imagine my excitement at learning that.
I felt like the mystery behind who killed the girl wasn't that difficult to figure out but why they killed her was a true mystery. I didn't lose my interest in this book because I figured out who killed her because of the fact that I had no clue why. I also loved all the action towards the end. I was kind of surprised at what happened in the end with Breen and Tozer (I mean Tozer's decision, not the other thing. This will only make sense if you read the book. Don't mind my rambling). I am really excited to have found a new series (trilogy) to enjoy. I look forward to reading the next book in the trilogy.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me the chance to read this book.