The Moon Sisters

This is a book for dreamers, for people who still hold onto hope, and unfortunately for me I am not a dreamer (at least not anymore). I am someone who is too scared to realize their dreams, too scared to even start to dream or hope anymore. So when I pick up this book that is all about dreams and finding and exploring them I know that it is probably not the book for me.
I don't want anyone to write this book off because it wasn't the right book for me. This book was beautifully written and manages to explore the complex relationship between sisters and between mothers and daughters. I could really connect to the relationship between Jazz and Olivia. My relationship with my sister is quite similar to theirs, with a little less fighting. I love how Therese Walsh explored the two different relationships that Jazz and Olivia had with their mother. They both viewed their mother differently and it affects how they grieve after their mother passes away.
I really didn't like Olivia that much while reading this. I didn't like how naive and at times selfish so was. I spent most of this book as annoyed with her as Jazz was. I connected and liked Jazz a lot more than Olivia. I also connected with their mother, Beth. I really liked getting to see her backstory unfold.
This wasn't the book for me but I would recommend it to dreamers and to those looking for a book that explores the relationship between sisters and the relationship between a mother and a daughter.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the galley.