The Weight of Blood

I have to start this off by saying that I am not usually squeamish or faint of heart but this book made my stomach turn and at times made me nauseous. If I had loved the book then that wouldn't have bothered me that much but I only thought it was just okay.
I really thought that this was going to be mostly a mystery book focusing on what really happened to Lucy's mother Lila and to her friend Cheri. After reading a little of the book it wasn't that hard to figure out who was really behind their disappearances, the question was really why it happened. It was practically being screamed off of the pages who was behind the disappearances that I became frustrated when Lucy was so slow at figuring it out. It was right in front of her face and she just kept stumbling around it. The reason why Cheri and Lila disappeared was what really disturbed me about this book. I knew that there would be something dark about this book but I just didn't know it would be that dark.
The book alternates between point-of-view of a lot of characters, but mainly Lucy and Lila, and I never really connected with any of them. I never really connected with them because I either felt them unlikeable, or underdeveloped. I did enjoy that the book changed point-of-view because I felt like the story was enhanced by it.
I felt completely unsatisfied by the ending. While some pretty big events take place I don't feel like we or Lucy ever really find out what happened to one of the characters that disappeared. I just felt like I was left hanging and would have liked more resolution.
Overall I felt that this book was okay but at times I had a hard time keeping my interest in the story and never really connected with any of the characters. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the galley.