Moon Called

Moon Called - Patricia Briggs

I have decided that 2014 is going to be the year where I branch out and try genres that I haven't read much before. I haven't read any urban fantasy books, at least that I can remember off the top of my head, and had heard good things about this book and series so I decided that this would be a good urban fantasy book to start off with.


Being so new to UF I was a little confused at first with some things mentioned about fae and werewolves. I think that was more on me than the book, but the more I read the book the clearer things became for me. I never thought I would be interested in a book about werewolves but boy did I become hooked in this book. I really loved all the action with the werewolves. I was a little too into it as I would start yelling and then would get stared at as though I was insane. I'm not insane, this book is insanely good.


I really liked following Mercy from the beginning. I like that she is a strong female character. She has such an interesting past and I loved reading about it. I am curious to see where her relationships with Adam and Samuel go. I was really glad that this quasi love triangle didn't take over the plot line.


I am really looking forward to reading more of this series (I am on the waiting list for the next one) and other books by Patricia Briggs. I would recommend this book even if this genre isn't your favorite.