
This was a relatively short, but very sweet, first book in the Big Sky Pie series. This follows Quint and Callie as they both struggle with the death of Quint's father and the break-up of their marriage as a result. Callie who wanted to say her goodbye to the mother-in-law that she loves somehow finds herself working at her mother-in-law's new pie shop. Now she must deal with working everyday with her soon to be ex-husband.
I didn't like Quint at the beginning. He seemed like such a wuss to me, but it was understandable because his father had died. I just wanted to shake him though and be like "Toughen up Quint!" I really liked Callie and felt bad for her because of all she had dealt with in her past. I do feel that both of them were underdeveloped and would have liked to have seen more of Callie's past. I really enjoyed the secondary characters in this book and feel like they brought some great moments to this book.
I warn readers to have a pie ready while reading this book. This book had me craving pie and I was pleasantly surprised to see that it actually includes a recipe for the pie mentioned in the book. While I am craving pie right now I am not feeling ambitious enough to make it right now, but it is nice to have this recipe for future reference.
Overall this was a very sweet book that readers will fly right through and end up having an overwhelming craving for pie after reading. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the galley.