The Divorce Papers

You shouldn't play these games with me; I'm better at them than you. Here's the current plan. I'm going to have my answer delivered (wrapped around a dead fish) at the annual Ped/Onc meeting next month, by the High Sheriff of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, all decked out in his dress whites. (My father has supported his campaigns over the years.)
I can completely understand why some people might not like this book. This book is basically Sophie's (a criminal defense lawyer) case files for the Durkheim divorce, with correspondence between characters and other materials thrown in throughout. So if pleadings, case opinions, statutes, Memorandums of Law and Fact, and other legal documents don't knock your socks off or you find them hard to understand this book may not be for you. Fortunately for me I love reading pleadings and even case opinions (I am not a law student or a lawyer so I haven't been forced to read a million case opinions, so while I have a hard time sometimes reading them I still find it interesting.).
This book really highlights just how terrible divorces can be, not only for the people divorcing but also for the children. Everyone knows that divorce isn't fun but this really shows the emotional toll it can have on people. This reinforced all the feelings that I had towards family law that I had when I took my Family Law class for the Paralegal Studies program. It takes a certain person to be able to practice Family Law and Sophie really experiences that in this book.
Oh man did I love reading Mia's notes to both Sophie and Daniel. That woman is a pistol. She and Sophie both managed to make this book really come to life. They were both strong women that didn't want to put up with any shit but also both had their own vulnerabilities. I really enjoyed that this book was not only about Mia and Daniel's divorce but also covered Sophie's life through her emails to her best friend, Maggie.
This book isn't for everyone but I was glad to discover that it was an interesting and fun read for me. Oh and a note if you are planning to read this: I would discourage anyone from the audiobook format of this book. I feel like this is better read as a paper book or an ebook.