Killer Ambition (Rachel Knight, #3)

Killer Ambition - Marcia Clark

Wow. I just got called honorable by a tabloid reporter. What a great day.

This was probably my favorite book of the series so far. Readers finally get to see Rachel in her role as deputy district attorney prosecuting a case. Rachel is going through a lot of stress because of the high profile case and all the media attention suddenly thrust upon her. She has to scramble to prove her case when even the father of the teenage girl who was killed, a famous movie director, doesn't quite believe that she has the right person.


The second half of this book was exactly what I have been waiting for in this series, Rachel Knight in court prosecuting a case. Being a deputy district attorney you would think that a lot of this series would have her in court but it really has been her and Bailey investigating cases. I liked reading about Rachel in court a whole lot more than I like reading about her investigating with Bailey. Rachel and Bailey are not inept at investigating but for some reason whenever they are doing investigations it feels like they are bumbling around. Rachel showed some really strong moments as a prosecutor during the trial but was not without some not so great moments.


There were some really strong secondary characters. Terry Fisk, an attorney for the defense, was a woman that you loved to hate. She was so annoying and I couldn't help but feel outraged at some of the things that she tried to pull in court. Declan was a really great addition to the story and I liked the friendship that grew between him and Rachel. I really hope that we will be seeing more of Declan in the future.


I loved the reveal at the end. It was something that you probably couldn't have guessed and it was really interesting to see how certain events were connected. I was definitely satisfied with the outcome of the trial and I hope to see Rachel in the courtroom more in the future. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy of Killer Ambition.