The Competition (Rachel Knight, #4)

"It's one thing to know your kid has issues, but it's a whole different world to think those issues might add up to mass murder."
This was by far the best book of the series. This book covers a horrific subject, that has unfortunately happened more and more recently, a school shooting. This was quite possibly the most suspenseful book of the series and it was definitely the one with the most twists. While the investigation lasts only a few days it is so jam-packed that it feels like weeks are passing by.
I feel like this is the fastest that I have read a book in the Rachel Knight series. While the subject matter could be so horrific the investigation into the shooting was so compelling that I couldn't help but keep reading the book. Usually when I read a Rachel Knight book the investigations tend to feel really long and that at times Rachel and Bailey seem to bumble about but for the most part that was not the case for this one. With all the twists that were thrown in to this book the investigation was always interesting. I do have to say though that a few major twists at the end were pretty obvious and I found myself yelling them to Rachel and Bailey.
If you have read the previous books in this series and enjoyed them then I would highly recommend reading this one. If you haven't read any books in the series I would recommend you start at the beginning of the series but really recommend that you read this installment. After the action and twists of this book (especially the twist about Rachel's office) I am looking forward to reading what happens next in this series. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the galley.