Bone Crossed

I had about as much chance of taking out Marsilia as my cat Medea did of taking on a mountain lion. Maybe less.
I really love this series but after I read the previous book in the series I needed to concentrate on my ARCs and NetGalley books so I took a little break from it. The series stayed on my mind and when I finally felt able to start the series back up again I jumped at the chance. While I didn't like this installment as much as the previous (that one was by far my favorite of the series) I still enjoyed it and was happy to see that Mercy was able to heal a bit after what happened in the last book.
While Mercy is still struggling with what happened to her she has started the healing process and is stronger than she thinks she is. Adam is helping her with recovering and I just love seeing their relationship grow. I am a bit ticked off at Adam's pack because some of them are being so rude to Mercy (from what I've seen there is more of that to come and I am not looking forward to it).
There were basically two plot lines in this book. One of the plot lines wraps up about 70% of the way through and I had forgotten about the other plot so it took me a little while to get back into it. I have to say the plot with Amber was my least favorite of the two but I do understand why it was necessary.
I can't wait to continue reading this series. I just wish my Kindle would charge a little faster so that I could start the next one right now.