River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6)

Someday, I'm going to meet some supernatural creature who tells me everything I should know up front and in a forthright manner—but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Since most of this book involved Mercy and Adam on their honeymoon I could not get enough of it. Not in a pervy way (get your mind out of the gutter!), I just love seeing them interact with each other. I am so happy that they are finally married.
Instead of focusing on the fae, vampires, or werewolves this book really focuses on Mercy's background and ancestors. I loved getting to read the Native American folklore and finally getting more of an understanding of where Mercy truly came from. I liked that not only did Mercy learn about her heritage but it also helped her when she and the humans of the area were in danger. I especially loved Coyote and hope to see more of him later on in the series. I am really looking forward to continuing on with my Mercy marathon and reading the next book in the series.