Night Broken (Mercy Thompson, #8)

Love means leaving yourself vulnerable, knowing that there is someone to catch you when you fall. But when I was already feeling vulnerable, I couldn't have let go like that.
Whew, this book was an emotional roller coaster ride for me. There was a lot of anger and rage, some happiness (even giddiness) whenever Mercy, Gary Laughingdog, and Coyote were together, and some sadness when things started to look bleak. If you are willing to really look past the main thing that causes all the anger and rage (at least on the readers part) then you'll get a fascinating plot and some great interactions between new and old characters.
So pretty much most of the women of the pack (except for Honey because I have decided she is awesome, for now) angered me so much because they treated Mercy so badly. Adam's ex-wife, Christy (the anit-christ mixed with Martha Stewart), is back in town now that her life is in danger and of course she is back to her manipulating self. While she did really piss me off throughout the book I did sort of pity her towards the end. Hopefully she spares us all and doesn't move back to town. I'm not sure that I can handle much more hostility towards Mercy in this series as it seemed to be way over the top in this one.
Even though Mercy denies that Coyote is her father (for a good reason too) every time she, Coyote, and Gary Laughingdog were together it felt like they were a family. They might not want to admit it but Coyote and Gary have grown to love Mercy and they really tried their hardest to protect her in this one. Those parts towards the end with Coyote had me almost in tears. I really hope that both Coyote and Gary are there for her in the future because even though she has Adam, Jesse, and some of the pack (and also other various magical creatures) it is nice that Mercy has this other little quasi-family.
While I love Adam and Mercy's relationship I have always had a little soft spot in my heart for Stefan. I have always thought that he loved Mercy and if Adam was not around wouldn't have minded a relationship between Stefan and Mercy. I just love how protective Stefan is about Mercy, especially around other vampires.
I don't want to give too much away about the plot but let's just say that what Adam, the pack, and Mercy faced scared the bejesus out of me (no, I'm not talking about Christy). I was a little worried towards the end (okay a lot worried) that things were going to turn out very badly. I was happy with what happened, or in the case of what happened with Christy and some shampoo overjoyed. I can't wait to read more of this series but I only hope that more appearances by Christy are kept to a minimum.